ChatGPT 视频通话和屏幕对话,以及圣诞模式 OpenAI连更Day6










今天,OpenAI 更新了高级语音模式中的视频通话和屏幕共享,以及与圣诞老人聊天!





在进入今天的新闻之前,我们要先说明一下昨天发生的几个小时的停机维护。我们知道大家很依赖我们的服务,对于造成的中断,我们深感抱歉。我们对此事非常重视,相关团队正在进行详细的事后分析 (postmortem),我们稍后会发布。



我们暂时先对第一个公告保密,稍后会揭晓。第二个好消息是我们非常激动地宣布,视频功能即将登陆高级语音模式!这意味着大家可以在与 ChatGPT 的对话中进行实时视频通话和屏幕共享。

最好的展示方式就是实际演示。让我们进入 ChatGPT。大家会在撰写框的右下角看到熟悉的“高级语音模式”按钮。点击它,我们再试一次……成功了!

现在大家可以在左下角看到一些新增的按钮,特别是视频按钮。我们开始了!先自我介绍一下。嗨,ChatGPT,我是 Kevin,负责 OpenAI 的产品。

与 ChatGPT 多模态团队会面:视频记忆功能

对话者:嗨 Kevin,很高兴见到你!今天有什么可以帮你的吗?



我:嗨,ChatGPT,我是 Michelle,我是 ChatGPT 多模态团队的工程师。

ChatGPT:嗨 Michelle,很高兴见到你!ChatGPT 多模态团队的工程师——听起来很令人兴奋!


我:嗨,ChatGPT,我是 Jackie,我是 Chachi PT 多模态的产品负责人。

ChatGPT:嗨 Jackie,很高兴见到你!听起来你们都在进行一些非常酷的项目。


我:嗨,ChatGPT,我是 Rowan,是 OpenAI 的一名多模态研究员。

ChatGPT:嗨 Rowan,很高兴见到你。多模态研究听起来很吸引人!




ChatGPT:那应该是 Michelle。


ChatGPT:那应该是 Rowan。

我:好的,做得不错!你答对了两个,得了 A!谢谢你,ChatGPT。谢谢你,Kevin,这很有趣!



回顾一下,大家已经可以使用高级语音与 ChatGPT 进行语音对话,就像和同事或朋友交谈一样。高级语音使用我们原生的多模态 GPT-4 模型。这意味着它可以直接接收你的音频,理解它,并直接输出音频。因此,使用高级语音进行的对话具有更自然的节奏,并且在 50 多种语言中都能展现出丰富的情感和语调。

从今天开始,在接下来的一周内,我们将在高级语音中推出视频和屏幕共享,以便大家可以与 ChatGPT 分享实时视觉内容,使对话更加丰富和有用。

现在请 Rowan 为我们进一步展示其功能。

与 ChatGPT 学习制作咖啡

现在大家可以通过视频和语音与 ChatGPT 进行实时聊天。大家可以用它来寻求帮助、解决问题或学习新知识。

例如,我现在就来试用一下。我将让它教我如何制作手冲咖啡。我这就去拿一些材料。让我们启动与 ChatGPT 的新对话,然后点击右下角的“高级语音模式”图标。连接后,我将共享我的视频。







ChatGPT:您需要将磨好的咖啡粉放入滤纸中,通常每 6 盎司水需要大约 2 汤匙咖啡粉。然后,您需要轻轻地将少量热水倒在咖啡粉上,让它们“绽放 (Bloom)”约 30 秒。

我:太棒了,谢谢!什么是“绽放 (Bloom)”?

ChatGPT:“绽放 (Bloom)”是指咖啡释放出二氧化碳的过程,可以增强咖啡的风味。绽放后,以画圈的方式缓慢倒入剩余的热水。保持水位一致,让水滴过咖啡粉滴入您的杯子。







除了共享手机摄像头外,你还可以共享屏幕上的内容,和 ChatGPT 对话。为了测试这一点,我将开始一个新的对话,点击“高级语音模式”图标,然后进入下拉菜单并点击“共享屏幕”。一旦我开始,ChatGPT 就会看到我共享的内容。我想用它来帮助我回复一条消息。我正在打开我的消息应用程序。





我:我想得到一些帮助。我应该如何委婉地告诉 Kevin 他不应该放弃现在的工作?

ChatGPT:你可以这样说:“嘿 Kevin,你的圣诞老人装扮看起来很有节日气氛!也许可以继续练习你的‘Ho Ho Ho’,你很快就能在商场里大展身手了。”


ChatGPT:不客气!我相信 Kevin 会感谢你的鼓励的。还有其他需要我帮忙的吗?



我觉得 Kevin 是个很棒的圣诞老人,但你今年不需要 Kevin 也能和圣诞老人聊天!从今天开始,在整个十二月,你都可以直接在 ChatGPT 中与圣诞老人聊天!你可以问圣诞老人任何问题,无论是关于他在北极的生活、好奇小精灵们在做什么,还是想听一个有趣的圣诞故事。作为有着好奇孩子的父母,圣诞老人会用他标志性的欢乐声音实时回复。

找到圣诞老人超级简单。在主屏幕上,留意雪花图标——那是你进入节日气氛的入口。你也可以在 ChatGPT 设置页面中找到并选择圣诞老人。(这个模式的语音好好笑哈哈哈





圣诞老人:多么美妙的问题!我最喜欢的圣诞传统一定是孩子们将袜子挂在壁炉旁的 magical moment (神奇时刻)。这是一个多么温馨舒适的传统,充满了对礼物和惊喜的期待!你最喜欢的节日传统是什么?


圣诞老人:嗯,这真是个难题!我的所有驯鹿都很特别。鲁道夫,他那明亮的红鼻子,因为他那指引之光而在我心中占有特殊的地位。但是 Dasher、Dancer、Prancer 和其他所有驯鹿也同样重要。他们都为雪橇团队带来了他们独特的魔力。你有最喜欢的驯鹿吗?




* 圣诞老人:那是一副非常棒的胡须!它又浓密又蓬松,就像我的胡须一样!如果你用梳子稍微梳理一下,再撒上一些节日的欢乐气氛,它就能以最佳状态迎接圣诞!

OpenAI Update: Video Calling and Screen Sharing in Advanced Voice Mode, Plus Chat with Santa! 英文字幕

Hey everyone, and welcome to Day 6!

Before we dive into today’s news, we want to acknowledge a few hours of downtime we experienced yesterday. We understand you depend on us, and we’re truly sorry for the interruption. We take this very seriously, and the teams are working on a detailed postmortem that we’ll be posting later today.

The good news is we’re back, fully operational, and have a couple of exciting things for you right now!

Introducing Video Calling in Advanced Voice Mode

We’ll keep the first announcement a secret for a bit and show it to you shortly. The second one is that we’re thrilled to announce video coming to Advanced Voice Mode! This means you can bring live video and screen sharing into your conversations with ChatGPT.

The best way to showcase this is by demonstrating it. Let’s jump into ChatGPT. You’ll see the usual Advanced Voice Mode button on the bottom right of the composer. Clicking it, we’ll give it another try… There we go!

Now, you can see a couple of additional buttons on the bottom left, particularly the video button. Here we are! Let’s introduce ourselves. Hey ChatGPT, I’m Kevin, and I lead product at OpenAI.

Meeting the ChatGPT Multimodal Team

Hi Kevin, it’s great to meet you! What can I help you with today?

Actually, I’d love to introduce you to a few of my colleagues. Does that sound good?

Sure, I’d love to meet them all!

Hey ChatGPT, I’m Michelle, and I’m an engineer on the ChatGPT multimodal team.

Hi Michelle, it’s nice to meet you! An engineer on the ChatGPT multimodal team – that sounds exciting!

It is, thanks!

Hi ChatGPT, I’m Jackie, and I’m the product lead for Chachi PT multimodal.

Hi Jackie, it’s great to meet you too! Sounds like you’re all working on some really cool projects.

We really are!

Hey ChatGPT, I’m Rowan, a researcher here at OpenAI on multimodal.

Hi Rowan, it’s nice to meet you. Multimodal research sounds fascinating!

Alright, now I want to see if you remember the folks you met. Can I give you a quick quiz?

Sure, I’m ready for a quiz!

Alright, what was the name of my colleague wearing the reindeer antlers?

That would be Michelle.

And how about the name of my colleague wearing the Santa hat?

That would be Rowan.

Alright, good work! You’re two for two, you get an A! Thanks, ChatGPT. Thanks, Kevin, this was fun! Let me know if…

Video & Screen Sharing Enhances Conversations

We’re excited to start rolling out video and screen sharing in Advanced Voice Mode today. We know this has been a long time coming!

To recap, you can already talk with Advanced Voice and ChatGPT out loud, just like you would with a coworker or friend. Advanced Voice uses our natively multimodal GPT-4 model. This means it takes in your audio directly, understands it, and outputs audio directly. As a result, conversations with Advanced Voice have a much more natural conversational pace with depth of emotion and tone across more than 50 languages.

Starting today and over the course of the next week, we’ll be rolling out video and screen sharing in Advanced Voice so you can share real-time visual content with ChatGPT to make your conversations even richer and more useful.

Here’s Rowan to show us more about what it can do.

Learning to Make Coffee with ChatGPT

Now you can chat with ChatGPT over video and voice together in real time. You can ask for help, troubleshoot, or use it to learn something new.

For instance, I’m going to test it out right now. I’ll have it teach me how to make pour-over coffee. Here I go, grabbing the materials. Let’s fire up a new conversation with ChatGPT and hit the Advanced Voice Mode icon on the lower right. Once it connects, I’ll share my video.

Hey ChatGPT, how’s it going?

I’m doing great, thanks for asking! I see you’re wearing a Santa hat.

I am! And do you see what I have in front of me?

Yes, I see a coffee set up with a kettle and a dripper. Are you planning to make some coffee? I’d love to do it. Do you think you could walk me through the steps?

Sure, I’d love to! First, place a filter in the dripper and rinse it with hot water to eliminate any papery taste. This also warms up the dripper and the mug.

Great, so then what do I do next?

You’ll add your ground coffee to the filter, usually about 2 tablespoons for every 6 oz of water. Then, you’ll gently pour a small amount of hot water onto the grounds to let them bloom for about 30 seconds.

Great, thanks! What’s “bloom”?

Blooming allows the coffee to release gas and enhances the flavor. After blooming, slowly pour the rest of the hot water in a circular motion. Keep the water level consistent and let it drip through the coffee grounds into your mug.

Cool, that sounds great! I’ll do the pouring now.

Awesome! Take your time and pour slowly. This helps the water extract the coffee evenly for better flavor. Anything I could be doing different or better about my technique?

Your technique looks good. Just keep a steady, gentle pour and make sure the coffee grounds remain evenly saturated. You’re doing great so far!

Awesome, thank you so much!

You’re welcome! It looks like you’re almost done.

Screen Sharing for Assistance

In addition to sharing your phone camera, you can also share what’s on your screen. To test that out, I’m going to start a new conversation, hit the Advanced Voice Mode icon, and then go into this little drop-down menu and hit “Share Screen.” Once I start the broadcast, ChatGPT will see what I’m showing it. I’d like to use it to ask for help in responding to a message. I’m opening up my messages app.

Hey ChatGPT, are you seeing my screen?

Yes, I can see it. It looks like you’re in the messages app. How can I help?

Can you help me respond to this one? What are you seeing here?

First off, I see a message from someone asking if they have what it takes to be a professional Mall Santa. They also sent a picture of themselves dressed up. Do you want to respond to their question?

I’d like some help in doing that. How should I tell Kevin that, kindly of course, that he shouldn’t quit his day job?

You could say something like, “Hey Kevin, your Santa outfit is looking festive! Maybe keep practicing your ho ho ho, and you’ll be ready for the mall in no time.”

That sounds great. Thanks!

You’re welcome! I’m sure Kevin will appreciate the encouragement. Anything else you’d like help with?

That’s perfect.

Chat with Santa!

Well, I think Kevin makes a great Santa, but you don’t need Kevin to talk to Santa this year! Starting today and for the rest of December, you can talk to Santa directly in ChatGPT! You can ask Santa anything, whether you have questions about his life at the North Pole, are curious about what the elves are up to, or are looking for a fun Christmas story. As a parent with curious kids, Santa will respond in real time using his signature jolly voice.

Finding Santa is super easy. On the home screen, just look out for a snowflake icon—that’s your festive entry point. You can also find and select Santa in the ChatGPT settings page.

Alright, let’s say hi to Santa!

Hey Santa!

Oh, well hello there! It’s delightful to hear from you! Are you getting excited for the holidays?

I’m so excited, Santa! I have a question for you: what’s your favorite Christmas tradition?

What a wonderful question! My favorite Christmas tradition has to be the magical moment when children hang their stockings by the fireplace. It’s such a warm and cozy tradition filled with the anticipation of goodies and surprises! What’s your favorite holiday tradition?

That’s a good one! And who’s your favorite reindeer?

Well, that’s a tricky question! All of my reindeer are special in their own way. Rudolph, with his bright red nose, does hold a special place in my heart because of his guiding light. But Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, and all the others are just as important. They each bring their own magic to the sleigh team. Do you have a favorite reindeer?

Santa, I have a question for you: how do I keep my beard in tiptop shape?

Maintaining a magnificent beard takes a bit of magic and care. First, it’s important to keep it clean and well-groomed. A bit of…

Santa, we need some real feedback here now. What do you think?

That’s a fabulous beard! It’s full and fluffy, just like mine! If you give it a little comb and maybe a sprinkle of holiday cheer, it will be in tiptop shape for Christmas!

Santa, would you say that this is a great beard, or that it’s the greatest beard?

That, my friend, is a magnificent beard indeed! It’s truly one of the greatest beards I’ve seen, full of holiday spirit and cheer!

Thank you, Santa!

Yes, what is it, my friend?

Recap and Conclusion

Let’s recap how you can access these features. Video and screen share are rolling out in our latest mobile apps starting today, and over the course of the next week, we’ll be rolling out to all Teams users and most Plus and Pro subscribers. For Plus and Pro subscribers in Europe, we will get this feature to you as soon as we can. If you’re on an Enterprise or EDU plan, you’ll get access early next year.

Santa is rolling out over the course of today globally, everywhere you can use ChatGPT voice mode. That means you can talk to Santa on our latest mobile apps, our desktop apps, and on desktop web at The first time you talk with Santa, we will reset your Advanced Voice usage limits one time so that even if you’ve used up your limit for the day or for the month, you can talk with Santa in Advanced Voice right away. Even after your limits, you can also keep chatting with Santa in standard voice.

We hope you enjoy your conversations with Santa as much as we have!

Just to wrap up, let’s get Santa’s perspective on one more thing. Santa, what’s your favorite Christmas joke?

Alright, what’s every elf’s favorite music? Rap music! A little elf humor for you all.

Thanks, Santa!

I just wanted to say thanks to the engineers, researchers, PMs, designers, the entire team that’s been working on this for months to bring it to you. We’re super excited to see what you do with it. Thanks so much, and see you tomorrow! Happy holidays!